Wednesday, May 21, 2008

moving day.

I have moved all these posts over to my other blog. I won't be writing here any more.
Catch up with me at jennepenne.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

geeking out on cookware?

okay. i am so excited right now and it is because of cookware.
i think it is pretty ridiculous actually but i found a great deal on a big set of stainless steel cookware and i bought it.

28.6 pounds of stainless steel heading my way.
i can't wait to cook with it.
i have a tiny kitchen, and i have no idea where i am going to put it when it is not in use. i can worry about that later. the point is that i am so excited for it to get here. i want to freak out and do a dance. it is the silliest i have felt in a long time.
what will i cook first?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

seriously - white, bootcut, sweatpants?

okay. i will be the first one to admit that there are more fashionable people in this world than me. but seriously honey - do you realize that you are walking around in white sweatpants. not jogging, i did not say you are jogging. you are not walking your dog. it really looks like you are going somewhere, somewhere public, wearing your white sweatpants.
i don't care that they are bootcut sweatpants. they really are sort of grungy sweatpants and i wonder what you were thinking when you left your house? from the look of your hair and makeup, i am surprised to see you in these pants. really i am.
someday you might look back on this time in your life and wonder 'what was i thinking' and i won't be around to wonder it with you.

Friday, February 15, 2008

mix it up!

I had the most amazing gin today.
I generally go out and drink Bombay Sapphire - it's tolerable and sits better with me than whatever house gin you get when you order a drink. I will gladly pay a little extra for this.
So I go out today and I was stumped by the selection of gin I was confronted with. Befuddled even. There were quite a few I did not recognize and I had no idea what to order. I had to trust the guy behind the bar on this one. . .
Have you been to FARM yet? Sit at the bar, talk to the bartender, let him make you a drink or two, trust him - he is good.
So - back to the gin - there were four or five that I did not recognize and I ended up with Magellan over ice with a twist of lemon, light on the tonic water. It was simple and really let the flavor of the gin come through.
I love the herbal and floral overtones. It was a gin I could drink on the rocks - there was no bitterness, none of the bite you get with some other brands (that will remain nameless for now.) I am ready to run out and buy a bottle to add to my collection at home - and I look forward to trying the other gins I did not recognize. . . . cheers.

food rant

i love working with people so passionate about food that it practically consumes us.

we get all mushy over great new desserts we have had -
there was a day last week when a simple sugar cookie, coated in the most delightful icing made from actual strawberries, had us distracted and raving for about 15 minutes. the rest of the world stopped in the face of this cookie.

we live to tell tales of how we rehashed our leftovers into some epicurian masterpiece.

we delight in discussing just how difficult it is to dice carrots and get them all the same size (and who can do this the best) or the evolution of the mother sauces since the time of Escoffier.

lengthy discussion takes place on the appropriate number of utensils for various meals - did you know about the fish fork:

Both a fork and a knife are provided for fish. Sometimes the fish knife has a silver blade, because fish, which is often served with lemon, reacts with the steel in old knife blades, causing an unpleasant taste (the invention of stainless steel in the 1920s made this problem obsolete). The fish fork is usually shorter than the meat fork.

nope - i really had no idea until a rather impassioned discussion one day about place settings.
every day is like this.

what is the very best chef's knife? is an 8in blade appropriate for most home kitchens or do you really need to splurge and go for the 10in? is the size of knife you use related to the amount of counter space and size of cutting board and exactly how - can we quantify this?

we savor exotic new cheeses - discerning subtle flavors and insignificant overtones. your average cheddar consumer would think us crazy to pay $21.99 a pound for a hunk of stinky cheese but we live for it.

personally, i get excited when my coffee beans are freshly roasted and there is a thick layer of bubbles at the top of my french press. it gets poured into a wide cup - almost a bowl - and a generous helping of the highest quality cream is added until i find heaven in the cup.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

super geekly

someone tells you about an opportunity to hang out with a bunch of people and geek out about starting some mysterious new business - how can you walk away from that? i signed up for it in an instant.
Build a Comunity and a Company in a Weekend
what could be better? geeks. intense collaboration. just a few days to get it done. and get this - mystery. turn on the secret agent tunes. i have no idea what the heck we will be working on. that does not get decided until Friday night. this is better than chocolate fudge on homemade vanilla ice cream.
i keep cornering anyone who will give me an opportunity to get started about it - many of them nod and smile with that look - the 'wow, you're really into this but I really just do not get it' look. also known as the 'i see your lips moving but are you speaking English?' look. Oh well.
I think it is going to be crazy awesome.
Bloomington Startup - who knows what this might become!
Go Speed Racer!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


guys who write great blogs really just love to rant and poke their finger in your eye. here is one from Tony Long over at Wired.

"Technology as a soul-sucking killer of mystery and romance rears its ugly head in this October story. In this case, it's a digital scanner, designed for use on (among other things) works of art. Its French inventor claims it is so detailed and precise that it can be used to unlock the mystery of the Mona Lisa: Specifically, what in heaven's name happened to Mona's lashes and eyebrows?

Pascal Cotte says his scanner was able to burrow through layers of paint and discover that, in fact, Leonardo da Vinci painted both lashes and brows on the original. Hey, thanks for that.


We don't need an answer to "the fate of the enigmatic subject's famously missing eyebrows and lashes." We don't need answers to a lot of things. And we surely don't need a technocrat's explanation for an artist's motive.

It doesn't matter if Mona had eyebrows. She doesn't have any now, and that should be good enough for all of us."

jerk. . . . i love it

read the whole thing

impossible conversations

so i have been walking around for months thinking about how there are things i want to do that i have never done. businesses i want to be a part of, experiences i want to have, things i want to create. then just the other night i end up in an impossible conversation with someone who starts telling me about the things he wants to do but needs someone else involved. things that i want to do.

for two hours we have this rambling conversation and then end up in a place where these things might happen - and we might do them together because the pieces i want to do match up with the pieces that are missing in his plan.

and we are both amazed at the how things that have just been ideas and dreams can become a reality. makes me believe that dreams create reality and long winded, rambling conversations can make things happen in the world.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


i want to play pinball in space
put the addam's family table in a spaceship and launch me out into the upper reaches of our atmosphere and weightless i will look out the window and play drunken outerspace pinball on my way to mars.
send me to mars - with my pinball machine and I will teach all the little men what it means to laugh and watch the lights go
my multi-ball will astonish them
goddess to all the little green men.